Covington Flats in JTNP closed until Monday due to fire threat

Public access to the Covington Flats area in Joshua Tree National Park is closed  through Sunday, July 7, 2024. The area will reopen Monday morning.

The spring rains cause an abundance of grass to grow, which has now dried, making a continuous bed of flash-fire fuels. In response, the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) has issued a fuels and fire behavior advisory for the area. The national weather service has issued high heat warnings for the area and fire meteorologists at Southern California Geographic Coordination Center has stated that expected fire indicators will be high this season. These conditions present an extreme fire danger.

The Geology Fire burned 1,033 acres in Joshua Tree National Park June 2023, impacting Joshua trees and desert tortoise habitat. The Covington Flats area contains most of the important Joshua tree populations within the park.

Read More: Joshua Tree National Park intensifies fire restrictions amidst rising wildfire risks

Joshua Tree National Park is currently under fire restrictions until October 1, 2024.

As the 4th of July holiday weekend approaches, human activity may increase fire risk. All visitors should practice fire safety:

Keep campfires small and only within a metal campsite fire ring outside of the park, Do not smoke within 10 feet of vegetation, dispose of extinguished cigarette butts properly, and 

Enjoy safe and legal fireworks outside of the park, fireworks are not allowed in the park or anywhere in the Morongo Basin.

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