Local News


The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors announced late Thursday that some county businesses could start to re-open Friday, May 8. These businesses are part of Phase 2 of the county’s four-step plan to re-open in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initial “low-risk” workplaces allowed to reopen include, but are not limited to, bookstores, jewelry stores, clothing and shoe stores, sporting goods stores, and florists. Reporter Andrew Dieleman says other businesses may be allowed to open soon as part of the second stage of phase 2…

As Phase 2 of the county’s plan to re-open continues into its second stage, additional workplaces may be permitted to open. This includes, but is not limited to, destination retail, including shopping malls; offices; personal services, dine-in restaurants; schools and childcare facilities; and outdoor museums and open gallery spaces. To continue reopening workplaces, businesses will have to demonstrate their adherence to safety and social distancing guidelines; county residents must continue to practice social distancing, and most importantly, combined positive and suspected cases of COVID-19 must continue to decline.

Face coverings are no longer required—but are still strongly recommended—in San Bernardino County as the result of new health order requested by the Board of Supervisors. Although no longer regulated by a county health order, gatherings and short-term rentals are still prohibited and social distancing at essential businesses are still required under the state’s “stay-at-home” order.

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