At the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, formerly the Institute of Mentalphysics, the path to long-term sustainability continues to take two steps forward and one step back. Reporter Mike Lipsitz covers the venerable institution’s most recent setback…

More than 70 years ago, Joshua Tree’s Institute of Mentalphysics established itself as a regional hub for the practice of new-age medicine, spirituality, and education. It has attracted leading authorities in new-age disciplines throughout its history, all the while it has also struggled to keep financially afloat. Executive Director Terry Taylor Castillo has worked to bring the Retreat Center out of financial survival mode by expanding community outreach, drawing larger and younger audiences, and upgrading amenities. But a setback came in late July. Citing outdated land use entitlements, the county issued a 12-month moratorium on temporary special event permits there. Castillo says the venue has ”a hotel permit, public eating permit, and a pool permit, all current. As for the land use entitlements,” she explained, “we are working on that now.” So presumably, festival-type events that require the temporary special event permit, such as Bhakti Fest, Shakti Fest, and music festivals—typically about four per year—will not return until after July 2019.

Guest Editorial by John Diamond, Joshua Tree

Ding Le Mei had magnetic attraction in a world full of souls seeking inner peace after WWII.
Many pioneering families of the high desert established homes here just to be near Mentalphysics.

But 16 years ago, long after Dingle passed away, Mentalphysics experienced a serious schism.
The Board of Directors suddenly booted out all church members then living on the property.
Several lawsuits were filed, and lost.

Intense emotions of anger, outrage and loss were planted deep in the heart of our community.
Many rank and file members of Mentalphysics felt betrayed by their own Board of Directors.
Regularly scheduled meditation services in the Mentalphysics’ Sanctuary dwindled to nada.

The whole subject became taboo.
Because of questions a child might ask… What happened to the congregation?

Are they still meditating? Ordaining ministers? Teaching classes?
What is Mentalphysics? Is it the land, the buildings or the people?

The Board of Directors legally controls all property rights.
Has the power to appoint a powerless chancellor of Mentalphysics.

But many of the upset and displaced congregation still live nearby.
There is a really weird dynamic operating sub rosa throughout this whole tedious drama.

The “Retreat Center” is like a besieged Frontier Fort in the Old West.
Surrounded by the living memory of Ding Le Mei.

The Board seems confused as to what the community – or even the County expects of them.
They don’t want to hear anything from anybody with opinion contrary to their own.

So The Board votes and promotes a trendy rock and roll concert – with numerous no host bars.
Plus the added thrill of Heavy Metal antics performed on a consecrated Christian altar.
For real dude.

The first Spiritual Vortex in America (identified by a gringo) – polarized for over 70 years
by group meditations for peace, love and joy .… meets Heavy Metal.

Quite a novel attraction – Desert Daze at Ding Le Mei’s Institute of Mentalphysics.
What could possibly go wrong?

Community outrage perhaps? Insult to the very congregation who donated the time,
money, love and sweat it takes to a build an historic church – now desecrated?

Then there’s basic “noise and neighbors” problem.
In 2016 The Board tells the LA Times they will never hold another rock concert again.

Next year they hold the same rock concert.
Desert Daze Mentalphysics 2017.
Who is making these promises? They speak with forked tongue.

The displaced congregation of Mentalphysics studies and meditates for understanding.
Ding Le Mei teaches only love and forgiveness can heal anything.

One wishes the Spirit of Mentalphysics could somehow rejoin with the Body of Mentalphysics. Soon.
Metaphysical zombies tend to lack basic discernment. Much less embody a truly noble mission.

The Board of Mentalphysics, by it’s own misguided actions, has turned a living church into
a floundering real estate operation.

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