Two items are of particular relevance to Morongo Basin, if all goes as expected at tomorrow’s 10 a.m. meeting of the County Board of Supervisors’ in San Bernardino. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has details…
Among the first items of business on tomorrow’s consent agenda, county supervisors will undoubtedly approve the reappointment of Paul Smith to the County Planning Commission. Smith, along with wife Jane, owns the Twentynine Palms Inn and its sister property, the historic Campbell House. Paul Smith first took a seat on the commission in June 2013. Now chairman of the commission, today’s reappointment extends his term for an additional four years. Planning Commissioners are not paid. Much farther down on tomorrow’s agenda, item 118 allocates $102,000 to the City of Twentynine Palms to fund the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program for the coming fiscal year. Tomorrow’s meeting streams online and to the first-floor teleconferencing room in the County Government Center on White Feather Road where public comment may be made via live video link.