County Supervisor candidate forum rescheduled for 2/9

A scheduled candidates forum in Landers for the upcoming race for San Bernardino County Supervisor has been rescheduled.

Presented by the Landers Homestead Valley Association, the forum was Initially set for this Monday, January 29, but has now been rescheduled for February 9.

Candidates vying to represent the Morongo Basin as the Supervisor of San Bernardino County District 3 will be present at Bellfield Hall to speak about their plans for the community and county, and answer questions in a conversation moderated by Landers Community Association President Justin Merino.

The candidates for District 3 Supervisor are current Supervisor Dawn Rowe and challengers Chris Carrillo and Graham Smith.

Supervisor Rowe said that she was unavailable to attend the forum on January 29, as she had a prior engagement in the high desert, speaking at the Lucerne Valley Economic Development Association.

All three candidates will be participating in a community forum tonight (January 25) at the University of Redlands.

Early voting for the election begins on February 5.

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