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Applications for the San Bernardino County 2023 Civil Grand Jury are now being accepted. Successful applicants will serve as Grand Jury for the 2023 calendar year beginning January 1. Gary Daigneault tells you how to apply…

The Grand Jury is charged to investigate all aspects of the county, including cities and special districts, and may hear information on criminal investigations. Service involves an average of three to five days a week compensated at $60 per day with mileage. The Grand Jury meets in San Bernardino. Applicants must be at least 18, a U.S. citizen, and a resident of San Bernardino County for at least one year. They must have sufficient knowledge of English, natural faculties, ordinary intelligence, sound judgment, and good character, elected officials are not eligible. Interested citizens are encouraged to apply on-line here. Applications can also be submitted in-person, by mail, or picked- up in-person. The application deadline is July 31, 2022, and application information is below. For Z107.7 I’m Gary Daigneault

For application or information:



(909) 387-9120

172 West Third Street, Second Floor, San Bernardino, CA.

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