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At tomorrow’s 9 a.m. meeting of the County Planning Commission, night skies, light trespass, and energy conservation will be the subject of a public hearing, discussion, and likely vote on the issue. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has more on this update of the county lighting ordinance which has its roots here in our Morongo Basin…

Under consideration are enhancements to the “Glare and Outdoor Lighting” section of the county development code for both commercial and residential applications. The proposed ordinance regulates outdoor lighting practices to minimize glare and light pollution, and conserve resources while maintaining safety. For a decade, key players like the Morongo Basin Conservation Association, Joshua Tree National Park, and the Marine Air Ground Combat Center have been at the forefront of efforts to preserve our night skies. Their work, along with significant support from Third District County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, led to many of the enhancements reflected in the proposal. If approved by the Planning Commission, it will go to County Supervisors for final approval and adoption

(1) The public is able to view the live stream of the Planning Commission meeting at


(2) If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item prior to the day of the meeting, please submit your comments via email or online by 8:00 a.m. on the Thursday of the Planning Commission meeting. Please submit your comments to the Planning Commission Secretary via email at [email protected]. Your comments will be placed into the record at the meeting;

(3) If you are watching the live stream of the meeting and wish to make a general public comment or to comment on a specific agenda item as it is being heard, please submit your comment, limited to 250 words or less to the Planning Commission Secretary at [email protected]. Comments received after an agenda item will be made part of the record if received prior to the end of the meeting.

(4) If attending the meeting in person, please note that facial coverings will be required and seating in the board chambers will be limited to ensure appropriate social distancing is maintained.

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