Local News


San Bernardino County agreed Tuesday (March 23) to partner with the state and Blue Shield to distribute vaccines for county residents, allowing it to keep control over where vaccines go. This guarantees that the county will receive the same number of vaccines and concentrate them in whichever areas it wants. The agreement means county officials no longer must spend time distributing vaccines to hospitals, pharmacies and physician practices. The agreement gives that responsibility to the state and Blue Shield, so that the county can concentrate on the vaccines that it gives out directly.

The county has also made it easier for residents whose medical condition puts them at high risk for serious illness or death from COVID-19 to get vaccinated. They will not be required to show proof of eligibility when they arrive for a vaccination appointment. Disabled and high-risk individuals should still begin by checking with their own health care provider, who might be able to expedite a vaccination. Others currently eligible for vaccine are those working in the Food and Agriculture Sector, including employees working in a restaurant, food delivery and veterinary services. Sectors previously opened are persons working in education and childcare, all those age 65 and over, social workers, public transit workers, utility workers, and anyone in health care or emergency response.

If you believe you are eligible for vaccination under these guidelines, you can make an appointment on the County’s vaccination website or call the County hotline.

COVID hotline: 909-387-3911, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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