San Bernardino County has gotten a grant of almost $600,000 from the US Department of Justice to aid the re-entry of recently incarcerated people into society. Dan Stork explains the BRIDGES program…
San Bernardino County is one of 15 recipients in the country, and one of four in California to be selected for funds derived from the Second Chance Act of 2008. The grant of $589,401 will help fund planning and implementation of the Bridging Reentry Integration by Driving Goal-oriented Effective Strategies (BRIDGES) project, coordinated by the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health. The project’s focus is to promote the safe and successful reintegration of recently incarcerated or detained individuals into the community through using evidenced-based practices that reduce the risk of recidivism. The County will match the federal funds for the project. Participants in the program will be linked to needed services such as employment, housing, mental health/substance abuse treatment, and eligible medical care.