County Elections 2022 – Ballots on their way to your mailbox

The 2022 General Election ballots from San Bernardino have been delivered to the U.S. Postal Service, so all registered voters in the county should be on the lookout for their ballot to arrive soon!
All ballots are prepaid for return delivery, so you can simply drop your ballot into an U.S. Post Office Box. F your mail ballot to be processed, it must be postmarked no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 8.
In addition to the vote by mail option, voters may also choose to take their ballot to a mail ballot drop-off location, an Early Vote site or to a polling place on Election Day. For information on these mail ballot drop-off locations, Early Vote sites or your polling place, visit the Registrar of Voters online at

If you haven’t received your ballot, or if you make a mistake and need a replacement ballot, you may visit the Registrar of Voters at 777 East Rialto Avenue, San Bernardino to pick up a replacement ballot.

To learn more about the decisions you can make at the ballot box, stay tuned for in depth election coverage from Z1077. For more information about voting, visit

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