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Anyone who was looking toward the Joshua Tree Retreat Center as the villain in a string of negative stories involving the historic venue and several large concerts there has been looking in the wrong direction. The facility came under scrutiny following the recent, lawful clearing of three acres to improve parking control there. Following up on accusations from some in the community that the clearing was in violation of county code, Z107.7 looked to San Bernardino County for answers. Our news department received a written report from the county’s head of the Office of Public Information claiming in no uncertain terms that Special Event Permits had not been granted as yet for several upcoming music events. The county report went on to claim that Desert Daze, a large event planned for mid-October, was unlikely to receive a permit at all. That information was not accurate, and the Office of Public Information now confirms that the Joshua Tree Retreat Center filed for all permits in a timely manner and received the appropriate permits. The venue, formerly Mentalphysics, has maintained total compliance in connection with these concerts. Z107.7 News regrets any negative fallout resulting from the information erroneously provided by the county. In response to the negative publicity, Retreat Center Executive Director Victoria Jennings said, “I hope our community will welcome those coming here with open arms. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to see the beauty of our neighborhood.” With attendance as high as 2,000, the Retreat Center’s programs bring many thousands of dollars into our local economy.

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