The Twentynine Palms Water District’s 2019 Consolidated Mail Ballot Election is currently underway with mail ballots and voter information guides on their way to voters across Twentynine Palms. However, a new estimate from the county registrar of voters could mean that election will carry a much heftier price tag than the district originally estimated. Reporter Andrew Dieleman explains…

The Twentynine Palms Water District originally budgeted $20,000 to cover the cost of the upcoming 2019 Consolidated Mail Ballot Election. However, a recent notice from the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters updated the estimated cost of the election to $101,000. District General Manager Ray Kolisz told Z107.7 that the Twentynine Palms Water District must cover the full cost of the election because it is the only district participating in the election. Kolisz went on to say that adjustments to the District budget many be necessary to accommodate the cost. In the meantime, the District has requested cost clarification from the registrar of voters.