It’s that time of year for the Copper Mountain College board of trustees to review the accomplishments of the last school year and plan the goals of the next school year. Reporter Eric Knabe says the board will have a study session tomorrow…

The Copper Mountain College board of trustees and Superintendent/ President Dr. Daren Otten will meet this Wednesday to review the goals laid out last year for the 2018-19 school year, and how well the Guided Pathways plan aligned with the CMC 100 percent student success resolutions and the development of additional career and technical education programs. With this information and the work from the previous study session, the board will plan the 2019-20 goals for the board, Otten, and CMC as a whole. The board study session starts at 10:30 a.m. and will be held in the community room of the Bell Center on the Copper Mountain College campus in Joshua Tree.