The Copper Mountain College board of trustees elected new board officers at its regular meeting yesterday. Assignment reporter Ernest Figueroa was there and reports the meeting highlights…

Following a closed session which addressed public employee discipline, dismissals and releases as well potential litigation against the district, yesterday’s Copper Mountain College board meeting began with nominations of the new 2020 officers after which, College President Darren Otten swore in the newly elected board including Chair Dick Rogers, Vice-Chair Liz Meyer and Board clerk Eva Kinsman. The highlight of the standard departmental reports was a compelling presentation by student Lisa Kordich who shared, that after a life of poverty, abuse, and abandonment, she found support through the colleges’ Education Extended Opportunity Program and Services. Kordich credited the program for turning her life around and helping her to reach her goal of becoming a computer programmer. Finally, all pending information, consent and action items in academic affairs, human resources, and business services were readily approved with little discussion.
An additional report from outgoing chair Greg Gilbert commented that the relationship between the college and Morongo Unified School District has been strengthened by President Otten’s efforts to create parental focus groups specifically to increase knowledge of the college offerings and services.