The Copper Mountain College Board of Trustees virtual meeting, on April 9, will begin with a closed session that will include potential litigation against the district, and a conference with labor negotiator and employee organizations. For more information on the meeting agenda, here is Reporter Hilary Sloane…

In open session, the Copper Mountain Board of Trustees will re-open negotiations with the California School Employees Association and the Copper Mountain College Faculty Association at its regular meeting. The Board of Trustees will negotiate changes to compensation and benefits, health and welfare benefits, term and duration, and reducing the frequency of negotiations.

Also, on the agenda is the memorandum of understanding that will make the college a warehouse, point of dispensing or government-authorized alternate care-site for the pandemic flu.

The meeting is Thursday, April 9. The closed session is at 2:30 p.m., and the open session is at 3 p.m.

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Meeting ID: 965 583 431