The new superintendent/president of Copper Mountain College was a welcome addition to what was business as usual for the July meeting of the Copper Mountain College board of trustees yesterday. Reporter Eric Knabe has the details…

The Copper Mountain Community College Board of Trustees welcomed Dr. Darren Otten and to his new position as Superintendent/President. Otten thanked the board for the board, faculty and staff for the warm welcome.

The Accreditation Update had good news. The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges reaffirmed the colleges’ accreditation for 18 months and with a required follow-up report, due no later than October 1, 2020. Along with the accreditation, CMC received from the ACCJC two commendations, one for the college meeting the needs of its unique community, the other for creating and encouraging innovation resulting in institutional excellence, and for empowering all employees to take initiative to provide exemplary service.