Cooler options for this weekend’s hi-desert heat wave

The Hi-Desert Nature Museum is open today from 10am to 5pm – it’s always free and the current exhibits include an interactive exploration and explanation of the everyday things that can appear as magic, but offer a far more interesting explanation from the world of science and math. 

The Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms libraries are open for regular Saturday hours today – 9 to 5, and they offer air conditioning along with access to the entirety of the world’s knowledge and history – all for free.

The Senior Center in Twentynine Palms will be open as a cooling center until 5PM, unless the heat remains above 115 degrees in which hours may be extended.

In Landers, the Community Center and Thrift Store will be open today from 10a to 3pm – the doors will be closed but come on in, the swamp cooler is on.

If you or someone around you start to feel disoriented or extra-fatigued  in the heat – seek some shade, cool down with some water, and don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can be deadly, so respect the sun this weekend and stay safe and cool wherever you are.

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