Now that the moratorium by San Bernardino County on solar development projects has been lifted, previously-announced plans are moving forward. Dan Stork has the notice for public comments on one controversial development in Joshua Tree…

January 16 is the announced date for public comments on a solar energy generation project in a residential area of Joshua Tree. This project came to public notice at the beginning of 2013, and is being developed by Coronus, a Canadian company. The installation is planned for 24 acres of a 56-acre site between Alta Loma and Melton Trail, west of Olympic Road. Comments must be received by the County Planning department no later than January 16 to be sure that they are included in the final project action. However, comments will be taken up to the time of the project decision. If you have comments, refer to the project by the applicant’s name, which is: CF SBC OWNER ONE LLC. Mail your comments to an address you can find in this story at San Bernardino County, Land Use Services, 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, First Floor, San Bernardino, CA92415-0182. You can also call County planner Chris Conner, at 909-387-4425, or by email at [email protected] to register your comments or questions.