Sky’s the Limit Observatory and Nature Center invites stargazers to a free star party this Saturday night to view constellations and clusters. With all the celestial details, here’s Rebecca Havely…
Come view the beehive cluster at Sky’s the Limit this Saturday, February 23. The star party begins at 6:30 p.m. and lasts about 2 hours, come when you can and leave when you wish. Prominent constellations include Taurus the bull, Orion the hunter, The Large dog Canis Major, Auriga the charioteer and the twins Gemini. A variety of telescopes will line the winding sidewalks, which you’re welcome to use, or bring your own. Dress for unpredictable weather and bring snacks, water bottles, chairs, and a red flashlight to preserve night vision. Approach the dome using parking lights instead of headlights please. Sky’s the Limit Observatory and Nature Center is located at 9697 Utah Trail in Twentynine Palms, just outside the entrance to Joshua Tree National Park.