The Twentynine Palms City Council heard from home-grown Congressman Paul Cook last night. Cook updated the council on a variety of issues and priorities. Reporter David Haldane was there and files this report…
Worried about hobbyists bringing down airplanes with unmanned drones? If so, Congressman Paul Cook may be your man.
He dropped by the Twentynine Palms City Council last night to talk about a bill he’s sponsoring to deal with just that problem. He also outlined his three major priorities for the coming year: veterans’ issues, the military budget and the California drought.
“We still have not got a water bill in California. You’ve been watching the news; you know what it’s about. Our firefighters can tell you better than I can how it just goes up real fast.”
Regarding the military, Cook—who’s a Republican—said that he would probably “hold his nose” and vote for a funding bill even if he doesn’t like it. The alternative: a continuing resolution that keeps getting extended month by month.
“What they do, it leaves, quite frankly, the military and a lot of organizations hanging because they cannot program what they’re going to do. It’s bad government, it’s bad budgeting.”