Morongo Unified School District board member Chris Proudfoot announced Friday morning that he is resigning from the school board, effective immediately. Reporter Andrew Dieleman spoke with Proudfoot regarding his resignation and files this report…
Each board member of the Morongo Unified School District represents one of five specific areas of the district. With the recent sale of his home in Joshua Tree, Area 5 Trustee Chris Proudfoot, a 10-year member of the Board, could no longer legally represent the area. Despite working with the County Elections office, Proudfoot said he could not find a financially practical way to maintain a permanent residence in Joshua tree for the remainder of his term.

“I really wanted to finish out my term, so I’m kind of mad about that. But on the other hand, the financial burden of doing that was going to be pretty extensive. So, at the end of the day, the right thing to do is just pull out [of the board] and let Joshua Tree find a better representative.”
Proudfoot will remain temporarily in the Morongo Basin as he retires from work on the Marine base, but emphasized that the Morongo Basin should be very proud of the professional teachers, employees, and staff running the school district.
MUSD Board President Hillary Slotta told Z107.7 news that the school district plans to appoint a new trustee from District area 5 to complete the final two years of the term. The school district has 60 days from Proudfoot’s resignation date to fill the vacancy.