CHP holding DUI checkpoints in Morongo Basin on Friday (8/30)

Don’t drive drunk or stoned in the Morongo Basin. That’s the message the California Highway Patrol is hammering home with a DUI checkpoint scheduled for our community some time tomorrow (August 30).

Though the specific time and location of the checkpoint has not been announced, the CHP says that they target areas where this a “high frequency of drunk driving.”

The CHP announced that they will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint on Friday somewhere in the unincorporated area of the Morongo Basin, staffed by CHP officers who are trained to detect impaired drivers. All vehicles passing through the checkpoint will be checked and drivers who are under the influence of any substance beyond their capacity to drive a car will be arrested.

The CHP uses DUI checkpoints to keep roads safe for all drivers, and to send a clear message to those who chose to mix alcohol and drugs with driving. The CHP hopes that by publicizing information about the checkpoints they can deter motorists from drinking and driving, keeping the roads safer. 

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