Local News


New training classes will start May 19 for volunteers who are at least 18 years old who interested in becoming a part of the Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT. Edica Gonzalez tells you how to sign up…
The Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT classes will be held Friday, May 19, from 5 to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21, from 8 to 5. All classes will be held at the Twentynine Palms Senior Center on Adobe Road in Twentynine Palms. Volunteers will learn about personal preparedness, disaster training, medical operations and triage, terrorism, incident command system, fire safety, search and rescue, and more. After completion of the program, volunteers will receive a CERT manual, safety helmet, backpack, safety vest, and the knowledge to help their community during a crisis or disaster. There is no cost, but RSVPs are required. To reserve your spot, call 760-228-6380 or email [email protected].

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