Nail Trim Only Clinic at Animal Action League Today (10AM – 2PM)

The Animal Action League will be holding their world famous “Nail Trim Only” clinic today (October 28) from 10 a.m. til 2 p.m. The...

23rd Nationwide Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Scheduled for Tomorrow

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will give the public its 23rd opportunity in over 12...

Morongo Valley Halloween Extravaganza is 3 full days of spooky fun

The Morongo Valley Youth Softball League will be holding their 2nd Annual Morongo Valley Halloween Extravaganza this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (October 28th-30th) in...

Mil-Tree presents Mojave Noir on October 28 at Furstwurld

Mojave Noir is back this Halloween with some of the desert's best crime and noir writers. Mojave Noir is back with all-new desert crime...

Boys & Girls Club Trunk or Treat Oct. 31st – Donations Needed

The Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Desert will be hosting a free Trunk or Treat on Halloween, October 31 from 6:30pm until 8:30pm,...

Twentynine Palms City Council District 4 Candidate: Octavious Scott interview

Election Day, November 8, is fast approaching and includes a race for Twentynine Palms City Council, District 4. Newcomer Octavious Scott is challenging council...

Yucca Valley Halloween Fair on Saturday 10/29

The Hi-Desert Nature Museum and Town of Yucca Valley Recreation Department would like to invite community members to a family friendly Halloween-themed fair...

County Dept. of Aging and Adult Services info session in Wonder Valley 10/26

Seniors in Wonder Valley will have an opportunity to speak with a representative from San Bernardino County's Department of Aging and Adult Services. Breanna...

Noah Purifoy outdoor museum now offering private tours for Fall

If you haven’t made it out to one of Joshua Tree’s most famous outdoor museums you are in luck as the cooler fall weather...

“The Cars” Tribute Band Plays Free Show Tonight At Tortoise Rock Casino

They've got just what you needed - the tribute band Heartbeat City will play they hits of the Cars at tonight's (Oct. 22) free...

Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours Wraps Up This Weekend – Links to Apps...

Showcasing 192 artists in 134 studios spread out over hundreds of miles, the Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours kicks off this weekend. Stretching...

Blood Needed! Donate tomorrow (10/22) in Yucca Valley

Blood is desperately needed in the Morongo Basin. To that end, Lifestream will be holding a blood drive tomorrow (October 22) from 9 a.m....

Basketball Camp enrollment open at Boys & Girls Club

Enrollment is open for the The Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Desert’s basketball camp. The camp is scheduled for November 7 through 10,...

Wild West Showdown raises funds for Unity Home Domestic Violence Shelter

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a fundraiser this Saturday is being held for Unity Home Domestic Violence Shelter and Outreach Services -...

Trunk or Treat in Twentynine Palms at Little School of the Desert on Saturday...

The first of the morongo basin’s Halloween events are kicking off this Saturday, Oct. 22, with a big trunk or treat event at the...

Registration Open for Youth Co-ed Flag Football in Twentynine Palms

Registration is now open for the Youth Flag Football League of Twentynine Palms. The league, which is run by the City of Twentynine Palms...

Hi-Desert Water District Special Session Agenda – Updates to Watermaster Rules

The Hi-Desert Water District convenes in special session as the Warren Valley Basin Watermaster at 2:30 p.m. today followed by the regular 4 p.m. Hi-Desert Water District meeting. The Joshua Basin Water District will not meet today.

Food Distribution in Yucca Valley Thursday (10/20)

There will be a free food distribution tomorrow (10/20) at the Yucca Valley Senior Center from 9AM to 10:30AM - the senior center is...

Telephone Scams increase in Morongo Basin, targeting seniors and other vulnerable people

Telephone scamming continues to be a problem in the United States, and as part of our crime reporting here at Z107.7 News, we continue...

Yucca Valley Town Council Agenda – Onaga Trail Pedestrian Improvement Project contracts to be...

After the town council's closed meeting, the members will hear the County Sheriff's Department update report in the presentation of the Spirit of Yucca...