29 Palms Historical Society Tea Social this Sunday, Mar. 12
The 29 Palms Historical Society is celebrating International Women’s Day with a Tea social with 29 Palms first telephone operator - Blanche Ellis.
Morongo Basin Healthcare Community Health & Resource Fair seeking vendors for free booths
The Morongo Basin Healthcare District is partnering with the Town of Yucca Valley to hold a Community Health and Resource Fair on May 6th...
Elks’ Lodge “Bounce Back” Vendors and Craft Fair Sunday, Mar. 12
The Elks Lodge in 29 Palms is holding their “Bounce Back Vendors and Crafters Event” this Sunday, March 12th from 9AM to 3PM.
29 Palms Art Gallery seeking vendors for Annual Spring Art & Craft Faire
The Twentynine Palms Art Gallery will hold its highly anticipated Annual Spring Art and Craft Faire on April 1 and April 2. The organization...
Desert Research Library cohort book discussion Sunday, Mar. 11
The Desert Research Library is having an artist cohort book discussion tomorrow from 2 to 4PM at the Firehouse in North Joshua Tree. 10...
Noah Purifoy Foundation receives “Sites & Stewardship” national arts grant
The Noah Purifoy Foundation has received a national arts grant of more than $50,000. The foundation, which oversees the Noah Purifoy Outdoor Museum in...
Mojave Vipers Young Marines recruiting and orientation meeting tonight, Mar. 10
The Young Marines are recruiting a new class from the best and brightest of students here in the Morongo Basin.
The Mojave Vipers Young...
Second Saturday Craft Fair in Landers tomorrow, Mar. 11
The Landers Association will host the Second Saturday Craft Fair tomorrow morning (March 11). All goods from this “Makers Market” are homemade, handmade, or...
Flamingo Heights glamping development public hearing today, Mar. 9th at 9AM
The controversial 640-acre glamping development proposed for Flamingo Heights is the subject of a public hearing at this morning’s (March 9, 2023) 9 a.m....
Coffee with a Cop returns to 29 Palms tomorrow, Mar. 10
Deputies from Morongo Basin Sheriff’s Station invite members of the public to join them for conversation and a cup of coffee tomorrow morning (March...
Morongo Basin Community Health Center meeting tonight, Mar. 9
The Morongo Basin Community Health Center Governing Board meets in regular session tonight (March 9).
The board is expected to consider changes to policies...
Local author Renee Pickup leads HOWL writing workshop at CMC Friday, Mar. 10
Local author Renee Pickup will be leading the HOWL writing workshop this Friday on the CMC campus in room 101 from 2 to 4pm.
Yucca Valley Town Council meeting recap: Grubstake Days, fallen Joshua Trees
At last night's meeting, the Yucca Valley Town Council introduced a new employee, Yolanda Perez, Administration Assistant in Code Compliance, and received the Grubstake...
Yucca Valley Airport District BOD meeting tonight, Mar. 8
The Yucca Valley Airport District Board of Directors meets in regular session tonight (March 8) to discuss fencing security, communication protocols and signage updates....
Yucca Valley opens applications for $100k in non-profit funding
The Town of Yucca Valley has opened applications for non-profit funding. The initiative, which is part of the Measure Y Partnership Funding Program, is...
“Cookies with Cops” at Boys and Girls Club of the Hi-Desert
The Boys and Girls Club of the Hi-Desert will be hosting a "Cookies with Cops" event in partnership with the Morongo Basin Sheriff's department...
29 Palms City Planning Commission meets tonight – four study sessions planned
Listen here:
Tonight, the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission will conduct four study sessions on various issues. The first concerns the pressing matter of housing the...
640-acre Flamingo Heights glamping development public hearing this Thursday, Mar. 9
Listen here:
The controversial 640-acre glamping development proposed for Flamingo Heights is the subject of a public hearing at this Thursday’s (March 9, 2023) 9...
San Bernardino mountain roads clearing, donations of food and medicine still needed
San Bernardino County and the State of California continues its coordinated response to the historic snowstorms affecting the communities in the San Bernardino Mountain...
Teenage hikers rescued from snowy mountain trail by Morongo Basin Sheriff’s helicopter unit
Two teenage hikers, presumed missing for several days on snowy mountain trails, were located with assistance from the Morongo Basin Sheriff’s Station.
On Friday...