Twentynine Palms Water District BoD meets Wednesday (1/22)

The Twentynine Palms Water District Board of Directors meets in regular session Wednesday afternoon (January 22). The board is expected to consider their annual...

Twentynine Palms Planning Commission holds first meeting of 2025 this Tuesday (1/21)

The Twentynine Palms Planning Commission will hold the first meeting of the New Year on Tuesday (1/21) at 5:00 p.m. There are two Public Hearings

Outline of Bond Measure C’s Citizen Oversight Committee presented by attorney at last Tuesday’s...

At last Tuesday’s MUSD Board meeting, Donald Fields of Orrick Law Firm gave a detailed presentation on Bond Measure C’s Citizens Oversight Committee and...

MVCSD approves clean 2024 final audit and discusses Community Relations Ad-Hoc Committee

Last night the Morongo Valley Community Services District held their first regular meeting of the new year in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

“State of the Base” at first Twentynine Palms City Council meeting of 2025

The first Twentynine Palms City Council meeting of the New Year began with a “State of the Base” address by Brigadier General Mark H. Clingan.

Yucca Valley Planning Commission receives reports on upcoming developments

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission kicked off the new year with a review of the Land Development Update. Typically given at the end of...

Landers Homestead Valley Association meeting recap for 1/13

If you discovered a drone flying over your property around July of last year, it was likely flown by a company called Tallon, which...

Yucca Valley Planning Commission to hold its first meeting of the new year

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will look ahead to new developments via the Land Development Update. Here is reporter Adeline J. Wells with more...

Landers Homestead Valley to discuss drone privacy laws, King of the Hammers discounts

At tonight’s (January 13, 2025) meeting of the Landers Homestead Valley Community Association attendees will hear about local drone privacy issues, what the laws are concerning drones and your privacy, and what you can do if you encounter an invasive drone over your property.

SB County Office of Emergency Services holding Resource Fair today (1/13)

Morongo Basin residents impacted by the recent SCE power outages are invited to attend a free community resource fair hosted by the San Bernardino...

Yucca Valley Airport District meets tonight (1/8)

The Yucca Valley Airport District Board of Directors meets in regular session tonight (January 8) to take action on the results of the November...

Copper Mountain College Board of Trustees meets tomorrow (1/9)

The Copper Mountain College Board of Trustees meets in regular session tomorrow afternoon (January 9) at 3 p.m. The board is expected to discuss...

JBWD Board of Directors meeting cancelled on 1/1

The Joshua Basin Water District’s Board of Directors Meeting that is usually scheduled for Wednesdays at 5:30 is cancelled for January 1st, for New...

Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms municipal meetings cancelled for holiday week

Regularly scheduled meetings of the Twentynine Palms City Council and Yucca Valley Planning Commission this week have been cancelled. Regularly scheduled meetings for each...

Morongo Fire Auxiliary’s Eva Rowles joins Morongo Valley Community Services District as Park Commissioner 

Last night the Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors held their last regular meeting of 2024, welcoming a new member to the Board and appointing Board offices.

Twentynine Palms awards first round of TBID sponsorships and grants

The Tourism Business Improvement District or TBID held their meeting yesterday afternoon to announce the recipients of sponsorships and grants for 2025.

Christopher Claire elected as new Board of Education President at last night’s MUSD meeting

During the Board’s work study session, Christopher Claire was elected as new Board President, and Roberta Myers was elected as new Board Clerk. Other...

MVCSD to appoint new President, Vice President, and Board offices at tonight’s meeting

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors will hold their last regular meeting of 2024 tonight at 6:00 p.m. in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

Yucca Valley Town Council meeting to feature appointments to 2025

For its final meeting of 2024, the Yucca Valley Town Council will review appointments for the upcoming year.

Water Round-up for Wednesday, December 18th

Yucca Valley’s Hi-Desert Water District and Joshua Tree's Joshua Basin Water District each meet today (December 18, 2024). The meeting in Yucca Valley begins at 4:30 p.m. While down the highway in Joshua Tree the gavel comes down at 5:30.