Yucca Valley Airport District BOD meeting tonight (5/10)
The Yucca Valley Airport District Board of Directors meets tonight to consider applicants for the open board member seat. Director Dave Palacios submitted his...
29 Palms City Council Talks Money at TPCC Meeting tonight, 5/9
The Twentynine Palms City Council meets tonight to discuss the mayor and mayor pro-tem selection process, as well as two aspects of city finance.
Yucca Valley Planning Commission reviews commercial permits and Land Development updates
The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will review the Chipotle Sign and Exterior Colors and the sign permit for the Black Bear Diner. The Commissioners...
Tonight’s MUSD Meeting Agenda (5/9)
The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees will hold their regular meeting tonight at Joshua Tree Elementary at 6 p.m. Items scheduled for...
Plans for widening Hwy. 62 and general improvements presented at Yucca Valley Town Council...
After approving the moratorium on new vacation rentals, the Yucca Valley Town Council received a ten-year plan for widening Highway 62 and shorter-term plans...