Aircrafts on display this Sunday (2/23) at the Yucca Valley Airport

There will be an aircraft show this Sunday at the Yucca Valley Airport. Pilots are reminded to bring your aircraft down to runway 06...

Morongo Valley’s Tammy Stogner voted Volunteer of the Year at last night’s MVCSD meeting

Each year Morongo Valley residents come together to nominate and award the Volunteer of the Year for the MVCSD Chuck Osborne Award. This year...

Yucca Valley Town Council meeting has big turnout over animal shelter concern

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting had a notably large turnout over concern on the town animal shelter’s operations. The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting...

Term expiration dates explored at Twentynine Palms Planning Commission meeting Tuesday night (2/18)

The Twentynine Palms Planning Commission spent much of last night’s meeting addressing the two Public hearings on the Agenda. First off Commissioners Paahana and Krushat...

Hi-Desert Water District Board of Directors meets Wednesday (2/19)

The Hi-Desert Water District Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday (February 19) to hear an informational presentation on the current draft of the...

Joshua Basin Water District Board of Directors meets Wednesday (2/19)

The Joshua Basin Water District Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday (February 19) to receive a presentation on the Copper Mountain Mesa Assessment...

Yucca Valley Town Council agenda for Tuesday (2/18): farmer’s market, public art

At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Yucca Valley Town Council will take another step towards developing a farmer’s market within the town. A 2023 survey...

Twentynine Palms Planning Commission agenda for Tuesday (2/18)

The Twentynine Palms Planning Commission will hold the Regular meeting tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall at 6136 Adobe Road. First off,...

Copper Mountain Community College Board meets Friday (2/14)

The Copper Mountain Community College District Board of Trustees will meet Friday (2/14) for their regular monthly meeting to discuss Board election nominations, newly...

Yucca Valley Planning Commission: Walmart moves ahead with fuel station, convenience store

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting began with a request to move an item from the Consent Agenda to Department Reports. The Commission then...

Twentynine Palms City Council to temporarily fund weekly food distribution program in the city

As cold winds blew outside the chambers Wednesday night, the Twentynine Palms City Council agreed to temporarily fund a food distribution program in the...

MUSD appoints members for Measure C Bond Oversight Committee, praises campus police and simulated...

The meeting began by honoring Deputy Coakley and Deputy Comacho with Certificates of Appreciation for their continued presence on MUSD campuses, while “fostering a...

Yucca Valley Airport District meets Wednesday (2/12)

The Yucca Valley Airport District meets in regular session today to welcome newly appointed board Director Robert Miehle. Wednesday's meeting will mostly be focused...

Landers Homestead Valley Association meeting recap: King of Hammers, squatters, charitable status

The Landers Homestead Valley Association met Monday (2/10) evening. During the Community reports, Detective Tyler Bengard expressed his gratitude that the week-long King of the...

Twentynine Palms City Council will re-appoint two Planning Commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting (2/11)

On Tuesday night (2/11) the Twentynine Palms City Council will face a light agenda of Planning Commission appointments and possibly assisting a local aid...

Yucca Valley Planning Commission Agenda for Tuesday (2/11): exterior color change, land development update

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will consider a request for design changes of a vacant retail space. The Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting will begin...

Citizens’ Oversight Committee members for 2024 Bond Measure to be appointed at Tuesday’s MUSD...

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Directors will hold their regular 6 p.m. meeting Tuesday night at Joshua Tree Elementary. For the meeting’s agenda,...

Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency meeting agenda for Tuesday (2/11)

When directors at the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency meet at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday (February 11, 2025) they’ll consider entering a outside agreement for accounting...

Two USDA Food Distributions Tuesday morning (2/11) in Joshua Tree and Wonder Valley

There will be USDA sponsored food distributions today in association with the San Bernardino Community Action Partnership in Joshua Tree and Wonder Valley. From 9:00...

Landers Homestead Valley Association meets tonight (2/10)

 The Landers Homestead Valley Association meets tonight at 5pm at Belfield Hall, 58380 Reche Road, just East of Landers Post Office. Nominations for elected...