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It’s not too late to file for anyone thinking to run for the Twentynine Palms Water Board. That’s because the Friday deadline has been extended. Reporter Mike Lipsitz tells us why…
Candidate filing for a seat on the Twentynine Palms Water District board has been extended to 5 p.m. this Wednesday, June 7. The original filing period for the August mail ballot election ended Friday, but because Director Roger Shinaver did not file for re-election, state law allows for a filing period extension. Three others did file in advance of the original deadline. They are appointed incumbent Bob Coghill, newcomer Randy Leazer, and incumbent Suzi Horn. Three water board seats are up for contest; each carries a four-year term. If no other candidates file by the new Wednesday deadline, the contest will not appear on the August ballot. Anyone considering candidacy must file the requisite documents at the County Elections Office in San Bernardino, or at the Twentynine Palms Water District at 72401 Hatch Road in Twentynine Palms. Find more information on this election at SBCountyElections.com or call 909-387-8300.

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