“Cold Days, Warm Hearts” is the theme for the winter Art in Public Places exhibition at Twentynine Palms Visitor Center & Art Gallery in downtown Twentynine Palms. Managing editor Tami Roleff says artists are invited to bring in art for the exhibition…
“Cold Days, Warm Hearts” focuses on winter weather and wintertime moods in the Mojave Desert. Artists are encouraged to bring in a painting, drawing, photograph, mixed media, mosaics, ceramics, assemblage, fiber art, or sculpture for inclusion in the show. Artwork must be delivered between 11 and 1 p.m. Friday, January 3, or be previous arrangement. An opening reception is set for Saturday, January 4, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. as part of the Twentynine Palms monthly art crawl, Art Cruise 29! The 29 Palms Visitor Center is located at the corner of Highway 62 and Desert Queen Avenue in downtown Twentynine Palms.