Starting today, a new law goes into effect concerning the buying of all tobacco products, including vaping. Managing editor Tami Roleff fills in the details…
Starting today, you have to be 21 to purchase tobacco products in California.
“Anyone who wants to purchase any product that’s tobacco related cannot purchase it until they reach the age of 21, whether it’s tobacco smoking, chewing, vaping, any tobacco product.”
State Senator Ed Hernandez of West Covina says that by increasing the tobacco age to 21, this new law will substantially restrict youth access to tobacco. A 2015 federal Institute of Medicine study found that roughly 90 percent of adults who became daily smokers reported that they first began using cigarettes before reaching 19 years of age.
“California being as large of a state as is, and the market share that it has, and as California goes, the rest of the country goes, my hope is that very soon you see every state do it. We enact perhaps even national laws. But actually, the real goal, is to make sure that nobody has anything to do with tobacco whatsoever.”
The law exempts active duty military from the new age restriction.

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