A slew of new immigration laws went into effect January 1. And though filed under the tag “immigration,” much of the new legislation will affect U.S. citizens including business owners, law enforcement professionals, teachers, landlords, and city employees. Reporter Mike Lipsitz fills us in…
New for 2018, California becomes the first so-called “sanctuary state.” Senate Bill 54 restricts law enforcement agents from acting as federal immigration authorities. In other words, police and sheriffs cannot inquire about immigration status or detain someone for suspected violation of federal immigration law. Also new, Assembly Bill 291 prohibits landlords from reporting or threatening tenants based on real or perceived immigration status. Assembly Bill 450 bans employers from consenting to immigration workplace inspections without a warrant. In addition, employers must notify workers within 72 hours of receiving a federal inspection notice. Senate Bill 29 prohibits new contracts between local governments and corporations that operate immigration detention centers. And two new assembly bills prohibit public schools, including community colleges and state universities, from collecting information about citizenship or immigration status of students or their families.
Complete legislative text may be found at the following links:
Senate Bill 54 California Values (Sanctuary) Act:
Assembly Bill 291 Tenant Immigration Status:
Assembly Bill 450 Worksite Immigration Enforcement: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB450
Senate Bill 29 Immigration Detention Centers:
Assembly Bill 699 Student Immigration Status:
Assembly Bill 21 Student Immigration Status: