California Fish & Game Commission will consider review “Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act” in April

The California State Fish and Game Commission will meet on April 19-20, and has released their agenda for the meeting, which includes consideration of the State’s legislation relating to the Joshua Tree. 

Scheduled as part of the commission’s legislative and agency regulations is an item listed as the “Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act.,” though the agenda does not suggest that the Commission will take any action relating the the legislation at the meeting. 

In its current draft, the State’s legislation prohibits harm to the species without a permit and payment of fees or other mitigation. That revenue would then be used for the preservation elsewhere at a landscape scale. 

At it’s last meeting in February, the Fish and Game Commissioin declined to vote on classifying the Western Joshua Tree as “endangered,” deferring to the state’s legislative solution to the issue. The proposed legislation has yet to be voted upon, and may be significantly revised or even defeated by elected officials, necessitating further consideration or action from the Fish and Game Commission.

Until a decision is made at the state level, the Western Joshua Tree retains protected status under the Endangered Species Act.

Members of the public are welcome to participate in-person in Fresno, via Zoom webinar, or by phone.

Instructions on how to participate will be posted to the Commission website prior to the meeting.

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