Blood drive at Saturday’s Flying Doctors event

As part of tomorrow’s (March 9) Flying Doctors event, Lifestream will be holding a community blood drive. 

In addition to free dental and vision care, Lifestream will be helping to replenish our area’s blood supply with a blood drive. 

At this free event, held at Copper Mountain Colleges’ Bell Center, volunteer doctors will be providing dental and vision services. No documentation is needed to receive health services. Appointments are strongly encouraged and can be made by calling 760-820-2614.

Lifestream will be collecting blood from  healthy individuals at least 15 years of age may donate blood. (Everyone under 17 years of age must provide LifeStream with written parental consent.)

Donors receive a free mini-physical (including readings for blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol levels, iron level and temperature with results being posted on the donor’s private online portal.) Please set an appointment to donate blood by calling LifeStream at 800-879-4484 or visiting

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