The water agency that serves the people of Landers and Flamingo Heights met last night on the new, second Tuesday meeting day and under new seating arrangements in order to conform to social distancing precautions. Reporter Mike Lipsitz was present and files this report…
In Landers last night the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency board of directors rejected all bids for a tank rehabilitation project because the bids received came in in excess of $100,000 above agency estimates. Moving forward, the district is soliciting bids for just a portion of the project for which grant funds may be available. Also last night, directors authorized the first step on the way to placing seriously overdue accounts on the customer’s property taxes. The board also agreed to investigate increasing the basic facilities charge for one-inch residential meters and decreasing fees for residential service line installations. And finally, the appropriation limit of $177,000 was confirmed for the fiscal year.