The Bighorn-Desert View Water board saw a lot of attention paid to their grant applications at last night’s meeting. Reporter Mike Lipsitz was there and explains…
Last night’s meeting of the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency Board of Directors in Landers looked to be fairly routine with most of the evening’s business on the consent calendar which is reserved for items considered “routine and non-controversial.” Any member of the public or the board may have an item moved from the consent calendar simply by requesting it. And request they did. One by one, nearly every item was moved from the Consent to the regular agenda. The heightened interest focused on four grant applications aimed at providing funding to small water agencies in disadvantaged communities. The staff has been working on the applications for many months, and this month learned that more preparations are needed before the applications can be considered. What is the latest requirement? The board must pass three resolutions for every grant application. Whether or not these are the last hurdles is anybody’s guess.