The Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency Board meets in regular session tonight. Reporter Mike Lipsitz says they will be last in adopting emergency water rules and will consider placing tax liens on overdue water bills…
The Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency Board of Directors meets at 6 p.m. tonight. At the top of the agenda, the agency will consider a Johnny come-lately response to the state’s severe drought and adopt emergency water conservation measures. Bighorn-Desert View is the only water district in Morongo Basin that has not already instituted such measures. Also tonight, the board will consider placing tax liens on 153 overdue accounts with past due bills ranging from $50 to $1,500 dollars. Some of the delinquent accounts were inherited from County Special Districts in the recent annexation of Service Area W-1. A public hearing will precede adoption of the resolution which would place liens on the properties in question. Tonight’s meeting happens at the agency’s board meeting office under the old water tower on Cherokee Trail in Landers. A complete agenda may be found at the agency’s website at