Local News


An ambitious agenda is planned for tonight’s (May 11, 2021) 6 p.m. meeting of the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency board in Landers. Here is reporter Mike Lipsitz with highlights…

Directors are expected to take a rather bold action and move the agency’s property liability and workers’ comp insurance policies from Special Districts Risk Management Authority to a firm operating under a joint powers agreement. The three-year trial is expected to save the agency $30,000 in just the first year. Also tonight, the board is expected to rescind a recent resolution increasing the Basic Facilities Charge for new meters, the action made necessary due to an oversight that skipped a required waiting period before implementing the fees. And among other items directors will seek a LAFCO annexation, form an ad hoc committee to review customer trends, and discuss the Brown Act as it relates to the perils of electronic communication.

The public is invited to participate remotely via the Zoom platform.

Teleconference line available through Zoom at 669-900-6833 or to join the webinar, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88504867336?pwd=MCswcTEwUDM2czR3U2U3R0JTV1p5Zz09

Webinar ID: 885 0486 7336 Passcode: 611345

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