The Joshua Basin Water District Board of Directors met last night in special, then regular session on the heels of a handful of impending staff changes starting at the very top. Reporter Mike Lipsitz fills us in…

General Manager Curt Sauer’s decision to retire the end of next month rather than September put several board actions on fast track. Among them was an informational presentation on the projected costs of succession management. And the costs net out to a savings of almost $70,000 over the next year-and-a-half due to lower salary requirements during interim periods. Other expected staff changes include the retirement of the venerable Assistant General Manager and Controller Susan Greer; and the likelihood that Assistant GM of Operations Mark Ban will become acting General Manager following Sauer’s departure. The board approved a job description for a Director of Administration. The position was approved with a salary range that creeps just into the low six figures and one that directors, staff, and the public in attendance defended as industry standard and commensurate with the duties of the job.