After months of experimentation and preparation, experts in restoring historical landmarks were in Joshua Tree National Park last week, painting over the graffiti that has marred Barker Dam for the last four years. Archaeologists and anthropologists from New Mexico and Vermont were “in-painting” the graffiti; matching the color of the cement dam and filling in the scratches and etchings with silicate paint in an attempt to recreate the natural color and texture of the dam. The experts started the restoration in January, and were dismayed to see when they returned last week that new graffiti had materialized on the dam. Joshua Tree National Park staff plan to finish the work, and to touch up the paint as it fades over the years. A park employee said the Park Service intends to fence off the dam to try and prevent graffiti from re-appearing. If anyone sees someone vandalizing park property, they are urged to contact Park rangers with a description of the suspects and their vehicle, if possible.