BallotMobile touring San Bernardino County with voter education and outreach programs

In November, the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters launched its first-ever traveling voter education pop-up, the BallotMobile, in advance of this current election year.

In the new year, the BallotMobile will visit all 24 San Bernardino County cities and several unincorporated communities. The BallotMobile: Traveling Voter Education tour began last week in Needles and will conclude the 2024 Presidential Primary Election tour at the Registrar of Voters headquarters on Election Day, March 5.

The two-month journey will deliver voter education resources to the furthest reaches of the county. Each pop-up will offer voter education materials, resources and outreach items. Plus, a ceremonial “golden ballot” will be on display, along with a San Bernardino County-inspired, Instagram-worthy backdrop for photo opportunities.

The BallotMobile is expected to visit Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms on Leap Day, February 29. Keep an eye out for the vehicle or visit to find out more about the BallotMobile: Traveling Voter Education tour

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