Z107.7 Joshua Tree News - Staff Reporters


An investigator for the County District Attorney's office was awarded a Peace Officer Certificate of Commendation in San Bernardino Thursday for his work in a recently prosecuted mortgage scam. Maurice Landrum was the lead investigator in a scam in which two people conspired to defraud mortgage giants, Freddie Mac and Bank of America, by illegally occupying foreclosed homes and applying for relocation assistance known as "Cash for Keys." To avoid a lengthy eviction process,…


During the past four months, the Morongo Basin Sheriff's Department conducted eight sting operations intended to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors. The Department held four minor decoy operations in which underage decoys are sent into liquor stores and bars in an attempt to buy alcohol. The decoys were successful on five separate occasions out of a total of 54 attempts. In each of these cases, the clerk or employee was issued a citation for providing alcoholic beverages to a…


Desert Blood Services is conducting three blood donation events locally this week: Tuesday, July 24, at Little Church of the Desert in Twentynine Palms, from 2 to 6 p.m.; Wednesday, July 25, at Hi-Desert Medical Center, from 10 to 2; and at Vons in Yucca Valley, also on Wednesday the 25th, from 2 to 6 p.m. Donors will receive incentives and Gift of Life Donor Loyalty points. Healthy individuals at least 15 years old may donate blood. All prospective donors should be free of infections or…


"Small Town, Perfect Storm: The Story of the Los Osos Sewer Saga," by Barbara Wolcott is a book about a California town that resisted the state's requirements to build a wastewater facility. That resistance ended up more than doubling the cost of the town's sewer project. Los Osos and its wastewater treatment facility are similar in many ways to Yucca Valley and its efforts to develop a sewage treatment plant. The Hi-Desert Water District has copies of the book it will loan…


Here's another story about a dark, flying animal. But, says Managing Editor Tami Roleff, this one could use our help... Although bats get a bad rap in folklore, humans are actually a bigger threat to them than they are to people. Bats provide such benefits insect control and plant pollination. All bats are protected species in California. Bats are most visible at dusk, when they emerge from their roosts to seek water and their insect prey. Depending on the species and the time of year, bats…


Natural predators have their place in nature's world, but we humans shouldn't give them an advantage. Ranger Pat Pilcher talks about raven control... One of the most conspicuous creatures that dwell in our area is the Common Raven. Ravens are highly intelligent, and opportunistic. They eat many kinds of plant and animal food. They have learned to find food scraps in campgrounds, residential trashcans and landfills. These rich, human foods have led to a tremendous increase in the raven…


When you're out hiking or climbing, in your yard or out in the desert, Managing Editor Tami Roleff says, "Watch your step!"... California has eight different species of rattlesnakes, seven of which are found in southern California. Rattlesnakes strike when threatened or deliberately provoked, but given room they will retreat. Most snake bites occur when a rattlesnake is handled or accidentally touched by someone walking or climbing. The majority of snakebites occur on the hands,…


Local environmentalists and concerned citizens have been planning to attend a meeting on the Cadiz water project this week in Orange County. But in a nod to the desert communities closer to the source of the water, the Governing Board of the Santa Margarita Water District has arranged to teleconference the public hearing of the final environmental impact report and approval of the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery, and Storage Project to Joshua Tree. On Wednesday, July 25, at 6:30 p.m.,…


An investigator for the County District Attorney's office was awarded a Peace Officer Certificate of Commendation in San Bernardino Thursday for his work in a recently prosecuted mortgage scam. Maurice Landrum was the lead investigator in a scam in which two people conspired to defraud mortgage giants, Freddie Mac and Bank of America, by illegally occupying foreclosed homes and applying for relocation assistance known as "Cash for Keys." To avoid a lengthy eviction process,…


During the past four months, the Morongo Basin Sheriff's Department conducted eight sting operations intended to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors. The Department held four minor decoy operations in which underage decoys are sent into liquor stores and bars in an attempt to buy alcohol. The decoys were successful on five separate occasions out of a total of 54 attempts. In each of these cases, the clerk or employee was issued a citation for providing alcoholic beverages to a…