Theatre 29 announces auditions for the family musical “Meet Me In St. Louis,” based on the 1944 heartwarming film of the same name. Director Kathryn Ferguson is holding open auditions at Theatre 29. With the list of roles available here’s Rebecca Havely…
Auditions are October 9 at 6:30 p.m. on the Theatre 29 mainstage. The roles include Mr. and Mrs. Smith in their 40s, their 19-year-old son, and four daughters ages 8 to 18. A grandfather type, some middle-age men and women, and some males and females ages 16 to 20.
Please also attend auditions if interested in technical assistance such as stagehands, set builders or costume construction. “Meet Me in St. Louis” features memorable musical numbers such as “The Boy Next Door,” “The Trolley Song,” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”.
Auditions will consist of cold readings and movement, dress comfortably. Bring a karaoke or non-vocal backing track on CD, or on a mobile device with a speaker. “Meet Me In St. Louis” will run four weekends November 24 through December 17. For ticket information visit or call the Theatre 29 box office at 760-361-4151.
Mr. Smith is a baritone in his 40s. Mrs. Smith is an attractive alto in her 40s. Their son, Lon, 19, a tenor, is attractive and athletic. They have four daughters: Rose is 18, a mezzo; the beauty of the family. Esther, 16, is an attractive alto. Agnes, 14, is a bit of a tomboy, admired by Tootie, the youngest daughter, who is 8 to 10. Grandpa Prophater is a spry old gent and a Civil War vet. Katie is 45 to 60, with a slight Irish brogue. A few young male suitors include the good-looking Fred 16-18; strapping young John Truitt, a baritone, 18 to 20; and the wealthy Warren Sheffield, also a baritone 18 to 20. Young ladies, 18 to 20, include the coy Lucille Ballard, the shy Ida, and sweet Eve. Mrs. Waughop is an irate middle-aged woman. Mr. Dodge is a middle-aged business man, and Duffy is his meek “yes” man. Plus, there are several ensemble roles that may be doubled.