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Auditions for the musical “Annie” will be held today at Theatre 29. Director Kathryn Ferguson will cast children and adults in the family-friendly
Broadway musical. With the audition details, here’s Rebecca Havely…

Little orphan Annie is a spunky, big-voiced girl age 10 to 12. Several young girls ages 6 to 13 are needed to play Annie’s gritty gang of orphan girlfriends, several with featured roles. Adult roles include billionaire Daddy Warbucks and his faithful secretary, Grace Farrell; Miss Hannigan, the bitter, orphanage matron and her con-man brother Rooster and his slick girlfriend Lily. Other roles include Bert Healy, a 30s-era radio personality and President Roosevelt. Dancers and singers, several in featured roles, will be cast in the ensemble. Auditions at Theatre 29 are tonight, Sunday, September 30, at 5 p.m. Come prepared to move, read from provided scripts, and prepare 16 bars of a Broadway show tune. Bring a non-vocal, karaoke track along on your mobile device.

If you’re interested in technical assistance, such as set building, sewing costumes, or helping back stage, please attend auditions. “Annie” will run weekends November 23 through December 16. For tickets visit theatre29.org.

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