The 2017 season opener at Theatre 29 is the hilarious comedy by A. R. Gurney, “Sylvia.” Director Eddie Tucker has set open auditions. Reporter Rebecca Havely has the details…
“Sylvia” is a smart, silly, sophisticated, and occasionally salty comedy about relationships, nature, and growing older. Open auditions are set for Monday, November 28, at 6:00 p.m. All roles are available. Sylvia should be 18-28; this character is a dog. She is lively and expressive and although she doesn’t move on hands and knees, she should be convincing as a cute, bouncy “labradoodle.” Greg is pleasant and attractive, age 40 to 50. He adopts Sylvia while going through an early midlife crisis. Kate, his wife, is 40 to 50, a strong woman with a teaching career. The roles of Tom, Phyllis and Leslie may be played by one actor. Tom is a regular guy who knows about dog ownership. Phyllis is a hotshot Manhattanite prone to drama and drinking. Leslie is a psychotherapist whose gender is open to question. Director Eddie Tucker may split these roles among two or three men or women. Audition for one, two or all three roles. Auditions will consist of cold reading.
“Sylvia” will run for nine performances over three weekends, Friday, Saturday, and Sundays from January 13 through January 29. Tickets are available at or by calling the Theatre 29 Box Office at 760-361-4151.