Auditions for Agatha Christie’s murder mystery, “The Mousetrap” are set for tomorrow at Theatre 29. Reporter Rebecca Havely has the audition details…
Director Katie Fleischman will cast the murder mystery-thriller “The Mousetrap” at auditions Monday, August 28 at Theatre 29. Roles to be cast include: The Proprietors of Monkswell Manor, Mollie and Giles Ralston; Christopher Wren, a hyperactive young man with a very peculiar manner; Mrs. Boyle, a critical old woman; Major Metcalf, who has a commanding, authoritative presence; Miss Casewell, an aloof, masculine woman; Mr. Paravicini, who speaks with an affected Italian accent; and Detective Sergeant Trotter, who has a slight cockney accent. In addition to cold-reading sides from the play, those auditioning will be asked to deliver a memorized monologue of their own choosing, about one minute in length.
Rehearsals will begin the night after auditions and run weeknights from 6 to 9 p.m. “The Mousetrap” opens on October 6 and runs 3 weekends through October 22.