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Our Morongo Basin is blessed with some of the darkest night skies, and best views of space found anywhere on the continent. For anyone who wants to know more about the objects we see up there, Sky’s The Limit Observatory offers a hands-on learning opportunity. Reporter Mike Lipsitz says this class is out of this world…
Sky’s The Limit is offering an Astronomy Class on Wednesday, June 28, and July 26. Participation is limited to between five and10 adults, which includes college and high school students. The cost is $20 per person. The class begins at 7:15 p.m. with a walking tour of the Orrery – a model of the inner planets from Mercury to Mars at a scale of 20 billion to 1, followed by a PowerPoint presentation on the basics of astronomy. Hands-on instruction at the dome using different types of telescopes and binoculars will provide a personal tour of the night sky. The evening will conclude with an extended look through Sky’s The Limit’s large, 14-inch Celestron telescope. The Observatory on Utah Trail is just outside the north entrance to Joshua Tree National Park in Twentynine Palms. To register or for more information contact Ray Yeager 760-365-7897 or [email protected].

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