Grant money is available for those who nurture, enhance, and encourage youth participation in the arts. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has more on who should apply and how…

Grant applications are now being accepted for the 2019 Youth and the Arts program to support Twentynine Palms youth. Any organization, individual, group, or business that curates an art program benefiting young residents of Twentynine Palms may apply. Grants from $100 to $1,100 are available, depending on scope of applicant’s program and number of requests. The aim of the program is to nurture, enhance, and encourage community participation in the arts with financial support. The committee particularly encourages cooperative ventures among cultural groups that give youth experience in a variety of art disciplines including the visual, literary, and performing arts.

Applications are due by April 15. Complete guidelines are listed below. Grant awards will be announced the first week of May.


Public Arts Advisory Committee (PAAC) – City of Twentynine Palms, CA

Guidelines for Grants to Support Youth and the Arts Programs

Goals & Purpose

1.      To nurture, enhance, and encourage the community’s participation in the arts by providing financial support for art programs for the youth of Twentynine Palms in 2019. The PAAC particularly encourages cooperative ventures among cultural groups to provide programs that give youth experience in a variety of the arts, including visual arts, literary arts, and performing arts like music, dance, and theatre.

2.      Grant Amounts

The PAAC has established a fund for Youth and the Arts Programs in 2019. Grants are available from $100 to $1,100, depending on the scope of the program and availability of funds.

3.      Process

a.      ADVERTISEMENT (March) – Grant program is announced via public media. See Application Guidelines below and on the City of Twentynine Palms website at

b.      APPLICATION (Due on or before April 15) – Applying entity submits a request for funding for the proposed program per Application Guidelines below.

c.       ACCEPTANCE (Awards announced first week in May) – Applicants are notified electronically either approving, modifying, or denying the requested funding.

d.      FUNDING – Applicant submits an invoice for funding to Jon Beard, PAAC City Liaison, [email protected]. Invoice is processed, and funds are distributed to applicant at requested date prior to the program launch.

e.      PUBLICITY – Applicant sends out announcements or press releases, with copies to the Public Arts Advisory Committee via Jon Beard so the program can be included in the events posted on the City websites, and, and other local/regional website calendars.

f.       REPORT – Applicant submits a report within 30 days of the program’s conclusion.

4.      Application Guidelines

a.      WHO– Organization, individual, group, club, or business that benefits the youth of Twentynine Palms: Legal name, date of establishment, IRS determination (if applicable).

b.      WHAT– Title and brief description (2 pages max) of the proposed program, including number and ages of the target population, instructors/mentors, and budget (estimated costs for supplies, instructors, etc.). NOTE: The grant will not cover certain expenses such as marketing and space rental.

c.       WHERE – Proposed location(s) of the program;

d.      WHEN – Proposed date(s) for the program;

e.      WHY – Goals of the program and proposed outcomes;

f.       HOW –Proposed plan to publicize the program and reach prospective participants.

5.      Report

a.      Within 30 days of the program’s conclusion grantees submit an electronic report – as a single Word document file – to the PAAC via Jon Beard. The report should document the use of grant funds and detail program activities, attendance statistics, number of participants who benefitted, and perceived outcome.

b.      The report should discuss whether projected outcomes were met; if not, why? Include any suggested changes to make future programs more successful.

c.       The report should include digital images, scanned articles and reviews, quotes and comments, or other program coverage, preferably as jpegs inserted into the Word doc or combined as a PDF.

Grant applications can be emailed to the City liaison: [email protected]

Questions?  Call Jon Beard at (760) 910-3888, available Monday through Thursday.

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