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In June, Yucca Valley Animal Control Officer Kim Casey graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Managing editor Tami Roleff gives out kudos…
Yucca Valley Animal Control Officer Kim Casey received her Bachelors of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Cal State University, San Bernardino last month. Casey graduated Summa Cum Laude, with a 3.97 grade point average. She was also nominated and chosen to be honored as a Graduate of Distinction for the Criminal Justice Department by the Palm Desert CSUSB campus, as the student who best represented the accomplishments of the Department. In addition, Casey received honors from the school of Social and Behavioral Sciences and was the highest ranked undergrad for the Criminal Justice Department for both CSUSB campuses. This degree will serve Kim Casey and Yucca Valley well, as she is the lead investigator for the Town regarding animal related crimes / complaints and is a valuable resource for the community. Congratulations! Reporting for Z107.7, this is managing editor Tami Roleff.

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