Trying to get older cars that generate smog off the Road, the regional Air-Quality Board has started buying them back. Reporter Cassie Zimarik tells you how to get cash for your clunker….
Local owners of older vehicles made in 1995 or earlier are now eligible to receive $1,000 for scrapping their operable cars, vans and light- and medium-duty trucks that cause a lot of pollution. This is available through the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District’s Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement program. The program is available to owners of vehicles registered within the High Desert portion of San Bernardino County. For a list of requirements, please visit this story on Incentives for eligible vehicles will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted. To sell your vehicle or receive more information on the program call 800-717-7624.
Vehicle must be driven to a contracted vehicle dismantler
Vehicle must pass the most recent biennial Smog Checks required by DMV
Vehicle must be registered and meet Vehicle Status Requirement, Vehicle Functional and Equipment Eligibility Inspection
For more information, visit